Linux, Git and GitHub Cheat-sheet

Linux, Git and GitHub Cheat-sheet

Linux Cheat Sheet:

Basic Commands:

  • ls: List directory contents.

  • cd: Change directory.

  • pwd: Print the current working directory.

  • mkdir: Create a new directory.

  • rmdir: Remove a directory.

  • rm: Remove files or directories.

  • cp: Copy files or directories.

  • mv: Move files or directories.

  • cat: Display contents of a file.

  • touch: To make one or more empty files.

  • vim/vi: Editor for text files.

  • nano: Editor for text files.

  • less: Display the contents of a file one page at a time.

  • head: Display the first few lines of a file.

  • tail: Display the last few lines of a file.

  • grep: Search for a specific pattern in a file.

  • find: Find files or directories that match a specific pattern.

  • chmod: Change permissions of a file or directory.

  • chown: Change ownership of a file or directory.

  • tar: Create or extract a tar archive.

  • git history: To check the commands run till now.

System Information:

  • uname: Display system information.

  • df: Display disk usage statistics.

  • du: Display disk usage of files and directories.

  • top: Display system processes and resource usage.

  • ps: Display running processes.

  • free: Display memory usage statistics.

  • uptime: Display how long the system has been running.


  • ping: Test network connectivity.

  • ifconfig: Display network interface configuration.

  • netstat: Display network connections and statistics.

  • traceroute: Trace the route taken by packets across an IP network.

  • ssh: Connect to a remote server over SSH.

  • scp: Copy files to or from a remote server over SSH.

  • curl: Transfer data from or to a server using various protocols.

  • wget: Download files from the web.

Package Management:

  • apt-get: Install, remove, or update packages on Debian-based systems.

  • yum: Install, remove, or update packages on Red Hat-based systems.

  • pacman: Install, remove, or update packages on Arch Linux.

  • dnf: Install, remove, or update packages on Fedora.

Git Cheat Sheet:

Basic Commands:

  • git init: Initialize a new Git repository.

  • git clone: Clone an existing Git repository.

  • git add: Add files to the staging area.

  • git commit: Commit changes to the repository.

  • git status: Display the status of the repository.

  • git log: Display the commit history of the repository.

  • git diff: Show differences between commits, branches, or files.

  • git checkout: Switch to a different branch or commit.

  • git reset: Unstage changes or move the current branch to a different commit.

  • git stash: Save changes that are not ready to be committed yet.


  • git branch: Display the available branches.

  • git merge: Merge changes from one branch to another.

  • git rebase: Apply changes from one branch onto another.

  • git cherry-pick: Apply a specific commit from one branch onto another.


  • git pull: Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository.

  • git push: Push changes to a remote repository.

  • git remote: Manage remote repositories.

  • git fetch: Fetch changes from a remote repository.

  • git clone: Clone a repository from GitHub.

  • git pull-request: Create a new pull request.

GitHub Cheat Sheet:

Basic Commands:

  • git clone: Clone a repository from GitHub.

  • git pull: Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository on GitHub.

  • git push: Push changes to a remote repository on GitHub.

  • git remote: Manage remote repositories on GitHub.

  • git branch: Display the available branches on GitHub.

  • git merge: Merge changes from one branch to another on GitHub.

Issues and Pull requests:

  • git issue: Open a new issue.

  • git issue list: List all issues in the repository.

  • git issue close: Close an issue.

  • git pull-request: Create a new pull request.

  • git pull-request list: List all pull requests in the repository.

  • git pull-request checkout: Check out a pull request.


  • git remote: Manage remote repositories.

  • git fetch: Fetch changes from a remote repository.

  • git push: Push changes to a remote repository.

  • git merge: Merge changes from one branch to another.

  • git rebase: Apply changes from one branch to another.

  • git cherry-pick: Apply a specific commit from one branch onto another.


  • git tag: Create or list tags in the repository.

  • git blame: Show who made changes to a file and when.

  • git grep: Search for a specific string in the repository.

Happy Learning!